Thursday, January 12, 2023


Well, this is NO SURPRISE!!  I woke up at 3:30 this morning AGAIN!!   I have one decent night and then go right back to waking up early again. So, I started the 2nd book in 

I really enjoyed the 1st one (and their are only two to my knowledge) so  I read till quarter to 6 and then dozed till almost 7:30. Tony had a wellness visit with his doctor and had to be there at 7:45, so came down and off he went. He said after his visit with the doctor, he was going to walk laps at the REC CTR. So, I came up and dressed and did a load of laundry. I had towels I needed to wash. I ate a bowl of 9 grain hot cereal, took my meds and then came up stairs to craft.

I tried a card with scraps and decided to roll with it. lol

So I made eleven more. I still have to put the
on the outside and put a HAPPY BIRTHDAY sentiment on the inside but I'm quitting for now. Gonna go back down to read.  My brother Rick and his wife Wendy are coming for a wedding at the Meridian Temple tomorrow. They got as far as Pendleton last night and left around 10:30 this morning to come the rest of the way. Not sure what time they will be here but probably around 2:20 or so. Don't know how long they will visit as they are supposed to help decorate for the reception sometime today as well. I wish Scott and Traci could come over when they are here to visit. Maybe I can talk them into coming a little later tonight as well. We'll see.

Rick and Wendy got here around  2:30. Tony was still gone but called shortly after Rick and Wendy arrived. He said he was stopping to buy me a salad and then he'd be home.

We had the best visit. We talked about their family, my family, Mom, Tony's family, Joel, church, temples weddings, you name it!! We visited about 2 hours. They hadn't been to our house in a long time and took a tour of our new bathroom and closet. They were so impressed with Tony's work!! They loved our new granite and kitchen backsplash in the kitchen. It was such a good visit!

I had to have pictures before they left. Sure love these two!  It's always a treat to have visitors and this was an exceptional visit!! AND, they won't be able to come back tonight as they are helping decorate for the reception and help make the food etc.... 

After they left, Tony got my salad ready!  2nd Taco salad in 2 days! 
Tony told me that his doctor prescribed him Ambien so he can sleep better at night. He told me to call my doctor and see if I can take it while on the med's I'm on. I know Ambien works because I took it a couple of times when I was working full time. I called twice but haven't heard back from the doctor yet. It's 5:45 now and no news so I guess  I won't be sleeping well tonight. lol  

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