Tuesday, January 24, 2023


I finished the 3rd book last night so this morning when I got up (at 4am)  I started Book #4 in the TIME SERIES.  I am really enjoying them. They have murder and intrigue BUT occasionally, s the author uses foul language which I do not appreciate,

I don't know why they have to throw that stuff in there. The book would be excellent without it! Anyway. one more in this series when I'm finished with this one. Then I'll start on the two Traci gave Tony for Christmas! Like I said, I woke up at 4 :20am. I did fall asleep at 10:30 last night so slept pretty good although it wasn't a good score. Onlly75 but the previous night I got almost 8 hours and still only got a 75 sleep score SO, I think I slept sounder last night. I am feeling very tired lately so I think all the sleepless night are catching up to me. Everytime I sit down to read, I find myself falling off!

Remember the BEAUTIFUL Poinsette that Tony bought me in November of last year?

Obviously, I do not have a GREEN THUMB!!  I gave it plant food and it just keeps dropping petals and leaves. I am about ready to chuck it.  I never did get the Amaryllis never has bloomed either. I think I'll  chuck it as well. I KNOW IT'S NOT GONNA BLOOM!!

I decided (and I shouldn't have) to make another batch of the COWBOY COOKIES! They were just so good! I mean who can resist chocolate chips, pecans, oats and coconut in a nice big crunchy chewy cookie! They really are good! 

I had glued some more paper scraps onto cards last night so went up to my craft room this morning and added some Happy Birthday  sentiments cut from my dies. Added some flowers and bling and called it good. At least I'm using up scraps but need to make some different designs cuz I've got a lot of this one!
Laid them a different way.....
Added a different label and sentiment.....
Think I'll go back to strips and see what I can do. Gonna feed Tony lunch in an hour as he has to go to Boise to see his Prostrate Doctor for his 6 month checkup. We're gonna finish off the chili with some corn chips.

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