Tuesday, January 31, 2023


Slept in bed last night BUT nearly left as Tony was snoring 
I stuck it out and he finally settled down. I slept till 4:45 and just couldn't sleep any more so got up and started a new book. 

Almost done with the Elvis portion of it!
Pretty interesting!

When Tony came down at 7am, I went back up with him and he dressed to go to the gym and I got ready to go to the hospital for my yearly mammogram. It's not till 11 this morning so when he left I went to my craft room and put sentiments on the scrap cards I made last night. I decided to get away from the Birthday cards for awhile.

I also decided to see if I could make the Charcuterie board that Traci gave me for Christmas, a little darker so I could see the name. This is how it looked when she gave it to me at Christmas. NORTON is engraved on it, but you can't see it.

I got out a black magic marker and a darker stain. I went over the design with the marker and then the stain. It definitely helped.

I love it!!  
I don't do a lot of entertaining of that sort, but when I do!! lol 
I then went back to reading my new book and then got a ding on my phone. I looked at it and there was a message from a young woman in our ward who is moving to Boise. Her car quit just before she got on the freeway and she needed help getting to AUTO ZONE to get a new battery. I called Tony at the gym and asked if he could help her. He said he would, so I called her and told her he would be there in 10 to 15 minutes. Well, it was probably a little longer than that because he called Craig Loveland to go with him (Craig is very knowledgeable about cars) and they think it might be her alternator. Anyway, they got her fixed and on the road. (However, we found out later that her car is just shot. Craig is going to help her find another) I felt like this act of kindness was a way of finding Jesus in my day. I know I volunteered my hubby for the job, but I was glad I saw her cry for help on the FB page and felt prompted to answer.

I went back to reading and then decided to make another card with scraps and some die's I had already put together for Halloween cards. lol Just something to do and trying to be creative. I was just wanting to use up more scrap paper and it looks like a green forest in the background of the spooky trees. Not sure the drink cup works but I'll try something different when I get back from the hospital....TIME TO GO!~

Tony dropped me off for the Mammogram and while I was getting it done, he went to COSTCO to walk around. It didn't take me very long so I called him to come get me and he was shocked I was done already! lol

WOW!! They had a closeout on Cetaphil cream at Costco! Normally $15 bucks and we got it for $9.99! Killer deal and there was a limit of 5. So we went back and I bought 5 and Tony bought 5 more. They didn't stop us. Afterall, two different cards. I thought they might say something to Tony because he bought 5 before picking me up at the hospital, but not a word. It was such a good deal and
 We have enough o last us till we die! 
we came home and ate leftover potato soup, cooked spinach and leftover apple strudel. Not my favorite but wanting to clean out the fridge. lol It's gone now so back to chicken enchiladas tomorrow. OR, maybe, I'll use them on Thursday for lunch when Joyce & Lynn come over after the temple and figure out something else for tomorrow's lunch. We'll see!

We watched America's Got Talent and then Tony went to his Priesthood meeting. I didn't have a meeting so I fell asleep for a while. Then I woke up and read my book till Tony got home. While we watched Hawaii Five 0, I made some more scrap cards with Christmas papers. Need to find a sentiment in the morning BUT right now, it's time for bed.

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