Wednesday, February 1, 2023


Tony's neck was bothering him again today. As a matter of fact, HE slept on the couch last night so he could apply his little neck heater to it. When I got up this morning, I emptied the dishwasher and he got up....I was making a little too much noise I guess. He called the chiropractor to see if he could get in and they said they could see him at 9am. So, I fixed a quick breakfast and off he went. Then I sat down and read my book till he got home. When he did get home, he said he was going to change and then go to walk at the rec center. After he left,  I read some more!!

When he got home, we filled out some Health Care paperwork for both of us. It was a questionnaire and he got one and so did I. Then we made an appointment to get our eyes checked. We'll be going next week. It seems since I have been ill, my eye sight has gotten worse. I think I need a stronger prescription. After we finished, he worked on our taxes and I finished up with the Christmas scraps and made some Christmas cards. At least I got rid of that scrap paper and it made 12 cards. Happy about that.

Then I got out some things I had cut out with my die cutter and put together but haven't made cards yet. I put black backing on some and then got out some new paper for cards. I cut and  scored the paper into a Gate fold card. Tomorrow, I will emboss some paper for the fronts and add the ice cream and Sundae pieces for those cards. Just cleaning up things that I have laying around. We'll see what I can accomplish tomorrow.

I've got the BEST MAN!! He got out his sewing kit
 (YES, my hubby has his own sewing kit) 
and he mended his shirt that had a hole in the armpit....THEN, he mended a pair of MY SOCKS!!  What a guy!! He is just so darn amazing!! How many men would do that??
We finished off the day by watching "Hacksaw Ridge"....
Pretty gruesome movie but so good!! 
Time for bed. He and the ladies will be going to the Temple in the morning and I am making lunch for them afterwards.
I'll finish my book in the morning and start the other one.

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