Friday, February 3, 2023


My day didn't go at all as I had planned! 
Which is NOT A BAD thing!
We both slept in till 8 o'clock! I got a 92 sleep score!! I was amazed! It has sure helped to cut back on the prednisone! I haven't had that high of a sleep score since November 16th of last year! I was happy! Tony dressed for the gym and left shortly thereafter.

I went to my craft room and separated the  die cuts that I had done and put together. 

I was bound and determined to get them put onto cards. Some dinosaurs for boy's birthday cards, some  watermelons, some Latte cups and some Halloween cups. HOWEVER, I started reading my book and had a hard time putting it down ....MY BAD!  Then I get a call from my friend, Zella and she wanted to come visit. She was here in 10 minutes and stayed till Tony came home. We had a great visit! After she left, Tony changed and then was working on his Priesthood assignments. I kept reading my book and I get a call from my friend, Alissa. She wanted us to come over for lunch so I could get out of the house!! HOW SWEET! She assured me she wasn't sick and she was alone so we went ahead and drove over. 

She has a beautiful home (out of our ward) and will start attending the 37th ward soon. She is such a bubbly person and I will miss her.
Although, I can still go visit her so really no big deal! It will just be sad not to have her in our ward. They are BOTH wonderful!
She is so cute!! She told us she made us an expensive lunch....and she wasn't kidding!! 

She made an egg salad sandwich!!  lol It was really good. The only thing I would have changed, is I would have toasted the bread!  (That's just me!)  We also had a wonderful chocolate smoothie, grapes and a low fat chocolate macaroon. 
(Which I got the recipe for)  We had a wonderful visit. 

I had Tony take a picture of us together and I can't believe 
MY MOON face!! Ugg!
She said it was just water retention but I know better! It's definitely due to the prednisone. 

Anyway, it was so nice of her to invite us over so I could get out of the house for a bit. She's a wonderful person. Her husband retires in 75 days. He works in Nyssa as a teacher and just this week, on his way home, he was hit by a drunk driver, who had just been involved in another hit and run!! In trying to escape that one, he ran into the back of David's Honda, and actually drove up over the hood of the car (luckily on the passenger side) The car was totaled, and not a small miracle, but David was not harmed!! They feel so blessed! 
We had a wonderful visit and left a couple of hours later. When we got home, I got busy and texted a couple of sister's in the ward to get a teacher for February 26th in R.S.   One was in Primary so couldn't do it. I didn't remember she worked in that organization. (guess that's what happens when ya don't get to church for nearly 3 months!! I did get Klynn though and she wanted to know how I was doing. We had a nice visit. We started watching a little Hawaii Five 0, and I get a call from an older lady that we work with at the temple. She wanted to know how I was doing. We had a good visit. She wanted me to know about a product she and her husband started using which is good for the immune system. (Not sure I want to get involved though) it sounds like one of those pyramid schemes. However, I may watch the video's she sent just so I can be honest with her when I tell her I'm not interested. lol I then got a text from Alivia, checking up on me. WOW! Today was the day for friends and family checking in on me. I appreciate everyone's concern. 
We finally got back to watching a little TV, so I got busy on some Halloween cards. 

I did get 6 put together using scraps, and some Halloween paper that I have SEVERAL packets of. I remember buying several packages of it cuz it was on sale. When I got it opened up, the paper was NOT CARD STOCK, but very thin. 
CUZ IT IS!!  lol
Anyway, at 6PM, we turned off the TV and Tony showered and got ready for bed. We read our scriptures and had our prayer and he is in bed (ON THE COUCH) he decided to sleep there to see if his neck will feel better. SO, I'm upstairs and gonna read my book!
It was a good day and I could see the Lord blessing me through the wonderful people in my life!!


Curtis and Deedra said...

Cute cards! Zella will be attending our old ward. Cool! Sounds like she'll be a great addition to the ward. Thank goodness your dosage is going down on the Prednisone. That's got to be tough all around. Just focus on getting better right now and the deal with the weight later. Love you!!

Laverne said...

It's not Zella. It's Alissa Boyer. We figured that was your old ward. Her husbands brother is Derek's best friend!!