Saturday, February 11, 2023


I stayed up WAY TOO LATE last night!! lol  I was busy putting die cuts together and watching THE HUNGER GAMES . Finally went to bed after midnight, and then I got up at 5am when Tony left for the Temple. I decided to stay up and get busy again!

I went upstairs and went through a bunch of cards that Jill might be interested in. She wanted 8 cards to send to sister's in her Primary Presidency's . (She's in the Stake Primary) I found several and laid them out for her to go through! Then I got ready for the day. Did my hair and face and got dressed, then headed back down stairs to eat a bowl of shredded wheat and take my pills!!

Then I got back at it. I had several die cuts of casts, crutches and RX bottles. I inked the edges and then glued 3 of each together. Looks like I need to cut more needles and stethoscopes and maybe a few more crutches as well....LATER! 

Around 9:15 in the morning, Jill came over. We had a nice visit and she picked out eight cards. Always nice to make a sale! After she left, I went back to work! I had pumpkins to work on!! I had to cut a ton of circles to glue on the backs of them. Then there was some cutting away of the overhang.  BUT, Tony got home around noon and I needed to make dinner.

I asked him if he would stop at the Asian Market and get me some glass noodles for a cabbage stir fry I wanted to try. He couldn't find glass noodles (are you kidding me?? The Asian Market didn't have them!!) so he looked on Google to see what could be substituted and it said rice vermicelli noodles would work. So I went to work making it. WELL, I screwed up!! I did everything right BUT, the noodles weren't done enough. We ate it anyway and then I added a little bit of water to the left over in the Wok. I left it on low and let it steam with a lid on it.  checked  a little later and they softened up a lot. SO MUCH BETTER!! So when we eat it on Monday, it'll be much better! lol  LIVE & LEARN! I was so glad I had two cupcakes left over so we had something good! lol

Now, back to the last bag of die cuts I had left! Baseball caps!

I finally finished around 4:45 this afternoon and I am done for now!! Gonna relax while Tony is working on a puzzle and I may even take a nap! Traci and Isabel mad it home so I don't have to worry about that anymore! So that's that!
Over & Out!!

I LIED!!  I found some cats that needed the whites of their eyes! lol  So I did them, Now, I'm done!!

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