Friday, February 10, 2023


Tony went straight to the gym this morning so I went straight to my craft room. I labeled  and combined similar stamps and dies in three of my containers..... Then I trashed some things and cleaned up  the room. In doing so , I found several packages of MORE die cuts that just need to be put together. 
So once Tony got home, I called it a day in the craft room and went down to make us some breakfast. Cottage cheese and mandarin oranges. Don't knock it till you've tried it. I love the stuff!

Then after Tony and I ate, we went to the TV room and he mounted the puzzle he just finished while I started in on ALL the die cuts. I inked all the edges of the acorns and then added the top of the nut and the bottom in some cases. lol

SO, the acorns are done!! Now, to just put them on cards . That will come later as I have a bunch of die cuts to assemble. However, Tony got the cardboard cut for the puzzle so I applied the Modge Podge!

I like this one better than the original we are doing for Tammy's birthday so we decided to get this one ready for next years birthday. lol Tony couldn't bear to take it apart. It is a pretty one!
After TWO COATS of Modge Podge, I went back to die cuts!

I had a bunch of vests that need to be folded, inked and add a color, tie and pockets. They don't all match but who cares. Some people would think this is classy dressing! lol

I had a bunch of flowers that I inked and assembled!

We took a break and got ready for bed and read our scriptures. Tony  went to bed at 6:30 and I came down to watch 
while I finished the flowers.
All DONE!  Now, onto the watermelons

Ran out of parts on this one so will have to die cut some tomorrow!

Last but not least, and they  took a long time...The lady bugs! I've got more to do  (not of lady bugs, but of other things I had die cuts)  but it's nearly 11 PM and I need to get to bed.
It was a good productive day!!

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