Sunday, February 12, 2023


Had a GREAT SABBATH today! I am so thankful for Sundays!  We both slept in this morning. When we did get up, I made us pancakes for breakfast. When we don't eat till after church (which is around 4 in the afternoon) we have to have a fairly hearty meal to stick with us. Pancakes did the trick this morning. While we ate, we listened to the talk by Elder Rasband (which was our lesson in Priesthood and RS today) It was entitled THIS DAY and it was about flooding the earth with the Book of Mormon. So Good!
I also cut up my veggies for dinner as I was going to roast them later for our dinner at Joyce's home.  I did butternut squash, carrots, cauliflower and an onion!  When I finished, we went to the TV room and watched and listened to
When it was over I zoomed my brother Rick's Stake Conference. He was one of the speakers. Tony was able to hear him too before leaving for choir practice. Rick did such a great job. He is quite the speaker. He read a poem that his wife Wendy wrote about our mom. It was about The Angel In Their Basement!  It was SO GOOD! we all sent texts to Rick afterward asking him for a copy. After his conference was over, I typed my mom a letter. Will send it tomorrow. Soon it was time for me to Zoom our Sacrament meeting. My sweet friend Shantel and her husband were the speakers. She and her family are the one's who came and sang Christmas carols to me at Christmas. They are just the sweetest couple. She spoke about trials and how she and Tom have had dreams to start a family and it still hasn't happened. They did invitro and and have had 4 pregnancies but none took and they also had 3 adoptions fall through. So sad and yet they are so strong and faithful. I just love them both. It was 3:20 so I put my veggies in to roast. 
When Tony got home, he changed his clothes and we took the veggies out of the oven, (Mmmmm they smelled so good) and headed across the street to Joyces. She made thick porkchops stuffed with stuffing and her homemade rolls. We had the veggies and Lynn made an apple cobbler and a chocolate cake. We all ended up bring food home.  lol

I took a picture of the two ladies before we left Joyce's house.

Then Lynn took one of me and my fat Moon face and Tony! Then we came over to our house and watched the last two episodes of 
THE CHOSEN, season three!
 Tony and I had watched it the other night, but I could rewatch this show over and over and over. Love it so much! The ladies went home and I am going to read while Tony works on his puzzle. He has a dentist appointment tomorrow. Has to have his bridge removed and a tooth filled and another bridge put in! SPENDY! I told him it was his turn to have a little money spent on him! lol I've been spending plenty with ALL my medical problems! lol
The Lord truly blesses us!

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