Thursday, February 16, 2023


Yesterday, I was all prepared to work in the Temple this coming Saturday. As of my last visit with the Kidney doctor, he told me everything was improving, except for my kidney function. It is wavering between 34 and 40 %. He said I will continue with the infusions every 6 months for about a year and a half, and he thinks it will get better.
 We asked if I could start going back to the Temple and church etc. He said I am always going to be immune compromised as long as I'm on the prednisone and the infusions, so IF I'll wear my mask and try to sit where I'm not around a bunch of people, I could go out.  So, I called my Shift Coordinator and told her I was coming back this Saturday and I would try and do as best and hoped I had the energy to do it. She said she would make it as easy on me as possible and she would give me a half hour break in the middle of our shift to study and rest up! Sounded good to me! 

I got a Butternut Squash and a recipe for Butternut Curry soup and a birthday card ready to take to Jorjette's house because it was her birthday! I called her and she said she was in Boise but she would be on her way home in a bit. I told her to call me when she got home. 

Then Tony and I turned on You Tube and watched my cousin's funeral. My cousin Pam (who is crying) is his twin.

The man is a very good friend of Pats. They did a lot of things together when they were younger and before Pat married and moved to Arizona. (Originally from Canada)

This is his wife Terry. I found out that they were going through a divorce and I was totally in shock!!  He had moved to Rexburg to be with one of his daughters and her husband and grandchildren. From everything I ever saw on FB, I thought things were rosy but I guess she was wanting to keep the divorce on the downlow. SAD!
All during the funeral, I was having extreme back pain and I was pacing the floor the entire time. When the funeral was over, I called my kidney doctor's office and told them what was going on. The nurse said the doctor was with someone but that I needed to get to the ER immediately. So Tony drove me over ASAP!
I was MISERABLE!!  I got a portal put in and before they came back in to start an IV, I was pacing the floor again. (Seemed to help....well NOT REALLY but it took my mind off the pain somewhat! However somehow in my pacing, I knocked the portal out (and I didn't notice) and soon Tony says, 
Sure enough, I had blood all over the floor, my arm and hand and Tony went to find a nurse. I took the mask they'd given me and dropped it on the floor to soak up the blood but then a nurse came in and made me get in the bed.

She couldn't put it back in the arm so I had to have it put in my left hand! Hurt like a son of a gun!!
Soon after I got the portal in, she started the IV and I had to stay in bed!!  GRUELING! Then I started puking!!  Lost all my breakfast and continued to empty everything....5 puke bags !! I'd have to get unhooked from the IV and Tony would help me to the bathroom (3 times) and I puked in the garbage can one time!! Tony said "Hmmmm, cloudy with a chance of stones!" lol  Then back to the bed. 
They gave me morphine in the portal. I thought it would work faster than it did and it didn't!!  Finally, it kicked in and I got a little breather but then the pain was back with a vengeance. SO, they hit me again with another dose of morphine....same thing! Then they were giving me drugs for the nausea. Then they hit me with another drug for pain. I was feeling pretty woozy and couldn't walk with out Tony hanging onto me. Another nurse came in to give me another dose of something and saw all the blood on the floor! I thought the female nurse had cleaned it up, but evidently not! He said "Who gutted a pig?"  lol  I guess that makes me the culprit. Maybe the pig too! lol Finally around 7 o'clock last night, my urologist came in and said he wanted to admit me. IF, I didn't pass it by morning, he would schedule me for surgery in the morning. I was taken up to a room and put to bed. I was uncomfortable but I had so many drugs in me, I was able to sleep somewhat... the nurses came in every time I'd doze off to take vitals etc. I had to go to the bathroom each time and when I went early this morning I passed it! 

I am so glad to be done with that and I am glad to be home!


Curtis and Deedra said...

wow, what a nightmare! So glad you were able to pass the stone and not have surgery. Sorry to hear about your cousin. At least you were able to watch the funeral.

Laverne said...

Thanks. I could hardly watch the funeral.I paced the floor most of the time! lol