Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Such a fun Valentine's Day!~ 
We started off by getting up early and going to my kidney doctor appointment. It was good news and bad news. Good news is he said I should be able to start going back to church, the temple and even the gym....BUT to seclude myself as much as possible and wear a mask! lol Bad news is my kidney function is wavering between 34 and 40. As of the last lab work a week ago, it was 34. BOO! He sis say the blood in the urine is gone now but the proteins is still high and he wants to get it completely gone. We're working on it! I only have to go get labs once a month now. The week before I go to see Dr. Keller. He has me scheduled every month except for June and July and then again in August. I will be doing the infusion again in July, but it sound like I'll only have to do one infusion of 500 Milligrams, whereas the last two were 1000 milligrams a piece! BUT, I do have to do it every six months for a year and a half. lol

When we got home, Tony went to the gym. I didn't go because I still get winded easily. The doctor did say if my breathing is still hard by the next appointment, he is going to order another CT scan. Anyway, I got busy cutting out all the parts and pieces to make cards with some of the ladybugs I put together last week. I also embossed the cream colored pieces and stamped Happy Birthday on the white square. Tony got home, showered and we left to go to dinner.

We went to my FAVORITE PLACE!
It closes as 2:30 and opens again at 4PM for the dinner crowd. 
 We thought if we went at 2, it wouldn't be busy! 
This place is so good that it's always full. We had to wait a few minutes for them to clear a table and clean it. We were seated and ordered. They brought us a House Salad for starters and 

Tony ordered his favorite ...Pad Thai!

I ordered my favorite, Chicken Cashew!

We left the restaurant and went to 
Tony went in and ordered and we brought it home and shared it. Mmmmm, "Founder's Favorite"  is definitely 
                           OUR FAVORITE!~
After we ate, we started watching the shows' we record. NCIS 1st! Then we both got texts from Costco telling us that our new glasses came in. My sunglasses didn't come yet, but I wanted to go get my new ones today!  They are stronger and BIGGER than my last glasses.

I love them and I can see much much better now!

AND, they are Jill Stuart brand! lol  We came back home and watched America's Got Talent and I worked on assembling the cards! Got eleven of them done but have one piece of the poco dot paper left and TONS of Lady bugs, so I'll make one more and then come up with a different style tomorrow and make some different cards!

I like them!! Pretty cute!
Now, we are just relaxing and watching THE CLOSER! 

Oh, I printed off this Valentine's Day Word puzzle and we both had one. We started together and of course Tony finished 1st BUT I was done about 20 seconds after him! I was proud of myself! lol 
 It was FUN!
In an hour, we'll go upstairs and read our scriptures and go to bed. Tony didn't sleep very well last night so he is tired. He's going to the gym in the morning but he'll be doing weights and walking both so I'm not going. I don't want to wait around till he's done cuz all I can do it walk and I'm not sure how much of that I can do...well for a long period of time anyway. AND, I am going to watch my cousin's funeral on You Tube at noon.
 It was a wonderful Valentine's Day! Yummy Food, Great Company, Roses and New Glasses!  I'm a happy camper!


Curtis and Deedra said...

Pad Thai is my favorite also! We must be related, lol. I'm glad you were able to go out, even if you do have to wear a mask. And that ice cream looks delish also!

Laverne said...

LOL I was going to order it but went back to my favorite ....I need to branch out!