Friday, February 17, 2023


I had a goodnight's sleep in my OWN BED! It was nice NOT getting woke up every couple of hours! lol When we did get up, Tony headed to the gym. I got 3 birthday gifts ready to deliver. Jorjette's should have been given her Wednesday but she wasn't home and I ended up in the hospital....then today is Sandy Fransheck's and tomorrow is Teri Wilburn's! I decided I was going to get them all done today. So I got the cards all ready, the recipe and the Butternut squash. I started my 3 loads of laundry and waited for Tony to get home from the gym!

Good to deliver!~

I also got a gift for Diane ready!

When Tony got home, he ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast. (I had celery & peanut butter) Then we took off to deliver. Sandy does Alterations from her home, but she wasn't there. Luckily, she has an enclosed porch so I left it on her doorstep. Then on to Teri's! She was home. Said a quick Happy Birthday and off I went. Jorjette wasn't home either so I left hers on the porch. I sent her a text and she said she had to go to Ontario to pick up her grandkids. No Worries! The squash is heavy enough, it will hold the card and paper in place till she get home. Then we ran to COSTCO to get the diuretic the doctor prescribed for me. Waiting till it's filled! After we finished at COSTCO, we went to wash the car and then home.

I mixed up the sugar cookies that I am making for The RS Birthday party so I can give the cutter to Donna Jenkins today. 

This little dress is so delicate and I'm afraid the top will break off easily! I froze 2 dozen already but I will give them extra just in case some break! At least that is done!!
We went over at 3PM to celebrate Diane's birthday! She loved the card I made her!

I also gave her a Tree of Life necklace, bracelet and earrings like I gave Deedra! She immediately put on all the pieces! She said she loves things that represent what we believe in!
After eating dinner, (Pizza, Lasagna and salad (and delicious I might add) we all played several hands of UNO and then Mexican Train. We had to leave around six or shortly thereafter because Tony had to be in bed by seven! We came home and I was anxious to get my mail as I saw something was coming from the Stewart boys!!

It was these ADORABLE Valentines!!  Maddox is loving his guitar and I got DOTTIE signed by PAX! As much as I love Dottie, I'd rather have seen Paxson's cute face! lol 
 But they were so cute and I love them!!
We got ready for bed, read our scriptures, said our prayers and Tony hit the sack. I went down to finish the cookies and clean up the kitchen. Now, I'll read till I fall off to sleep!
It was a very good day! After what I went through on Wednesday, This was wonderful! Thank Heavens!

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