Saturday, February 18, 2023


I stayed up last night while Tony went to bed and cleaned up things in the kitchen, emptied the dishwasher and then read my book. I finally knocked off at 11PM and I slept downstairs so I wouldn't disturb Tony. He got up at 4:30 and got ready to go to the Temple. I stayed up after he left and I read for a while and then I watched the last Hunger Games movie. After it was over, I came upstairs and dressed. Decided to make the boxes for 12 cards that I said I'd make for the Auction the Ward is having in March. They are raising money for the ward and the Youth programs. People are offering services, crafts, food etc. I signed up to make 2 boxed of homemade cards with 12 in each and 2 buckets of caramel popcorn. I won't worry about the popcorn till a day before the auction.

I couldn't find the tutorial I wanted to find !!  Grrrrrr that makes me so mad! I thought I knew where it was but danged if I could locate it. I found one that was made with the envelope punch board and made one box from it! It's the one on the bottom right. I didn't like it as it's not big enough for 12 cards and it was a bit of a hassle. 

I found another that I liked really well and sooooo much easier.
 And it fit 12 cards nicely!
I made 3 of them but am only donating two. I picked the best and then picked out some nice cards I have made and put the envelope with them and filled the boxes!

Then I tied ribbon around them and I'm done! 
Tony just called and is on his way home. Not sure what is happening today but guess I'd better go do my hair and face and then when he gets home, I'll take the cookie cutter to Donna as I didn't get it done yesterday. After that, it's your guess is as good as mine!

Well, Diane and Mom stopped by and dropped off some Gatorade thinking it will help the cramping in my hands and feet. Then they said they were going home to eat left overs and we could come and eat and play games. 

We 1st went to Donna's and I dropped off the cookie cutter. Then we went over and ate the left over pizza and lasagna from Diane's birthday. After eating, we played GOLF!~

It was fun! They were gonna play Skipbo 1st and Jess said he didn't want to learn a new game! lol So Lynn put it away and I said "Let's play GOLF"    so we did!  Jess still didn't play! lol

Tony came in 1st place and me 2nd! Then we watched a movie (one of Diane's favorite, ENCHANTED APRIL ...I think that was the name)  it was OK but I fell asleep through part of it.  Then we ate some shrimp noodle dish and watched CASABLANCA! I enjoyed it more than the 1st one. We then came home and are heading to bed. 

1 comment:

Curtis and Deedra said...

How could Jess not know how to play Skipbo?? We played that at the cabin when I was a kid and at Grandma's house! lol