Wednesday, February 8, 2023


I found more die cuts (CATS) that I had done and put together already so I decided to make some quick "CAT" cards. I have a bunch of pre folded cards already done as well which just needed some kind of front put on so .......
I cut out a plain inside white for each one, then I cut out a pattern paper for each one and then I die cut the white paper to look torn for the top of the pattern paper! While working on it, I got a text from my neighbor asking if I was home because our gate was open. I told him I was, thanked him, and told him I would go out and shut it. 

When I was coming back in, I noticed a hyacinth coming up in the pot in the front yard!! WHAT?? Winter's not over! lol

Then I decided to show my Amaryllis that my Ministering Sisters gave me at Christmas last year. lol It never got a bloom BUT, it's getting a leaf! lol SEE, I do have a green thumb!!

Back to my cat cards....  I finished stamping the fish bones around each white shredded topper and then I came up stairs to print and cut out some "CAT" sentiments!

Then, I put them together.... 2 of Decisions

Two for a get well card.
Heard you had a Cat-astrophe

One for a "CAT" lover...
Love you're Cat-itude

Two for encouragement....

AND FINALLY six for birthdays!


If I do say so myself!! lol  I'm patting myself on the back for this batch of cards! We are having a fund raiser at church April 22nd and I signed up to donate 2 boxes of Homemade cards as well as two buckets of caramel corn. I've got lots of cards to put in the boxes but need to get the boxes made. 

While I was working on my cards, the doorbell rang. It was my friend Anna. She is in town to meet a man for lunch. She stopped by to tell me the latest. She is hoping to move back into the Orchard apartments soon and move from Emmett. We caught up on each others lives and off she went to meet her date at OUTBACK! Hope it goes well for her. 
Now, I'm going to read. We have to go to see the tax man and sign our paperwork and then on to Winco for a few items. Then home again to either read or make some daisy cards.  lol I found some daisy's I already have made up!  Anna called me at 4:15 and said her date went GREAT and she had just left OUTBACK!  She was on her way home to Emmett. She talked and talked, told me that they are going out Friday night and getting together for Valentines Day
I guess it went well! Tony came home with dinner from WENDY'S!
So I got off the phone and enjoyed!

The funny thing was, when he 1st came home, I opened the bag and told him, they didn't give us the chips and sour cream. SO, he went back and told them so they gave us each a free Wendy's Frosty!
Now, dinner is complete!!
After we ate, I got a text from Jenni asking if I was up for a visit. I said sure, so she came over and we visited about an hour. I filled her in on my progress on the Salvation Army luncheon, and gave her a sign up sheet to pass around on Sunday for cookies. I told her who I had for the lesson on the 26th and then we visited about some needs in the ward.  After she left, I went into the back where Tony was watching TV and he'd finished another puzzle. I like this one better than the other one he is gonna frame for Tammy but it's already modge podged so I guess this one will get boxed again. Maybe he can give it to her and she can put it together later. lol
It's time for bed. Tony and the ladies go to the temple tomorrow and I'm making them lunch. It was a good day!

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