Tuesday, February 7, 2023


I was happy to hear from Traci again this morning. She sent me a Marco Polo from Ephesus. They were touring the old ruins where Mary's house was as well as where a lot of the New Testament was written. Just so glad to hear from her. 
Tony got up and ready to go to the gym. I took a shower and got ready for the day. we go to have our eyes checked this afternoon. I was on Facebook and found out my cousin died. He was only 57. He has had diabetes and was suffering a lot from it. I called my cousin Pam (who is his twin) she was in Costa Rica. I gave her my condolences. She will be back for the funeral this coming Monday. I will watch it on ZOOM. 
Tony got home and I fried him a couple of eggs and a piece of toast. I ate celery and peanut butter. Mmmmm lol After we ate, he went back to working on his puzzle. I did some phone calling, trying to get some sisters signed up to serve at the Salvation Army lunch on the 21st. Hope I can get one of them to cook. 

I then started fussy cutting my witch hats and boots. Now I wish I'd bought the die! lol The hats are easy but the boots are a pain in the neck! Oh well! Got them done!

Got the cards all put together.......

I even made these three with the scraps from all the paper I used!

I won't need Halloween cards for a while!  lol 

All done! Now on to something else. Since I'm stuck at home I may as well make cards.... but for now I'm going back to reading till my eye appointment. 

So far, Pretty good!!
Went to our eye appointment at 2:45. we both got to see Dr. Shipton. I really liked him. He is the brother-in-law to our Stake President (who also works in the office). My eyes have definitely gotten worse. Tony's a little but not bad.  The eye check up was great and our insurance covered a lot of it, except for one picture they took of the eye. So between the two of us, it cost us $58 bucks. WE looked at the glasses and frames alone were like $200+ .....We said we wanted to compare frames at Costco so we took our prescriptions to Costco and got our frames there. WHAT A SAVINGS!! I got a new pair (and they are Jill Stuart brand!)  Thought Jill (my daughter in law will get a kick outta that!) I also got a new pair of prescription sun glasses. Tony got his new glasses and for the 3 pair of glasses it was LESS money than it would have cost us for ONE pair at the new clinic!!  I can live with that!!  I'll be waiting for the new ones impatiently cuz I have been straining to see with the old one. It will be 7 to 10 days. We came home and I warmed up the enchilada for Tony and I ate Mac & Cheese. Time to relax and start some new cards. lol I found 13 cats that were die cut and put together, so I'll make some new cat cards! lol Till time to read and bedtime!

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