Monday, February 6, 2023


THANK GOODNESS, Traci called me 1st thing this morning to let me know that she and Isabel are OK! They are in Turkey and won't be back till this weekend. Isabel on Friday and Traci on Saturday. They fly out on different flights. I will be SO GLAD when they are back in the USA! Back in Boise, even better!
This was the last bit of news I saw. I'm scared to see anymore. I was happy to hear from her again just a few minutes ago and they are going to bed (or just getting up) not sure which....I will relax this weekend!! When they are home.
I had to go get labs this morning so we got up at 7. Tony took me and dropped me off at the hospital and then headed to Bruneel Tire. His mom was supposed to be dropping off her car to be fixed. However, when I was finished and I called Tony to come get me. He said his mom hadn't shown up yet but he would come get me and then we'd go back to Bruneel. He did and she was there when we got back. He then dropped me off at home and then took his mom home and he was off to the gym. I had finished my Bill O'Reiley book so I got out 3 more that Cynthia gave me. Haven't started them yet but will tonight or tomorrow.

They are supposed to be on the line of
We'll see! I went to the craft room and cut some paper, getting ready for some more Halloween cards. Tony got home and he took a shower and then we were off to my Rheumatology appointment. We were a bit early so we went to the bank and made a deposit 1st. Then we headed to Meridian. Good thing we showed up early, as there was so much paper work to do. I finally got in to see Dr. Dingman. I really like her. She is tiny and smart and she and Dr. Keller have been in touch with each other about my case ever since I got out of the hospital. After all the consultation and her checking me out physically, we asked her if I can go back to church, the temple and the gym now.....she said NO! She said there is too much chance of me contacting whatever is out there. She said until I'm off the prednisone. At least till after she and Dr. Keller confer again. I see him on the 14th so keeping my fingers crossed. After the appointment, we ran to Costco, MASK ON! We went through the store picking up a few items that were on sale and then we went to CHIC FIL A. 

 Tony went in and got us each a salad. We went home and ate it while we watched an episode of Hawaii Five O. Then Tony had to go to our tax appointment. 

After he left, I started putting some more cards together. I used scraps from some I made a couple of days ago on these three!

Then I put these together and I used scraps from this paper on some others but I won't finish them till tomorrow. I'll work on them while Tony is at the gym in the morning. We both have eye appointments tomorrow afternoon. It's been a crazy busy Monday! I am just so thankful my girls are OK. I'll be a lot less stressed come this weekend! Hope Tuesday till then is safe!

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