Monday, February 13, 2023


I was awake at 5am this morning and couldn't sleep, so went downstairs to read my book. Tony came down around 8am, ready to go to his dentist appointment at 10AM. We both ate a bowl of shredded wheat and caught up on emails etc. Then I went out to mail a letter to my mom!
I was so surprised to find we'd been HEART ATTACKED!!  At 1st I thought it might be from the Young Women, but then saw a heart from ANNA. Then I knew it was the Floyds!  It was so sweet! 

After Tony took off for his appointment, I went back to labeling and organizing my stamps and dies~

Some of these are labeled with small lettering and I still may use my labeler so it will be bigger print. These old eyes are having a hard time seeing everything. BUT, for now, I won't!
He's off to the gym and I am back to labeling. Decided to do the big labels on the small printed boxes since I have the time!

I got things straightened and organized on the shelves.

I continued working till I heard Tony come home. I was on my way down stairs to find my wonderful man with a dozen roses for me!!  

Awhhhh! What a Sweetheart!!

They are beautiful!

And all he got from me was this stinking Valentines card!  lol  I did give him a BIG HUG AND KISS and told him I would take him out to Texas Road House for dinner tomorrow (if I get released after my Dr. appointment) or to Smokey Mountain Pizza when it's slow time.....and to be sure and bring his wallet!  lol 
Aren't I the Romantic One!

We got a call a call from Jeff and Cynthia asking us if we wanted to go to lunch with them at Chuck A Rama! 
I wore my mask in and picked a table in the back room with NO PEOPLE in it. 

It was snowing out by the time we finished lunch. It was a fun visit with them and we left with pictures!

The snow had stopped by the time we got home so I went over to Joyces to help her get onto Kim's Blog. I brought in her mail as the sidewalks were slushy and slick! Didn't want her coming out and falling. I was pretty careful myself.
When I got home, my sweetheart had a beautiful card for me!!

He says the sweetest things!  It's not even Valentine's Day but it feels like it!!

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