Sunday, February 19, 2023


It was a great day!  I slept SO GOOD last night! I got a 93 sleep score!! I was impressed!  Tony joked and said I needed to wear his Fitbit to bed and he would wear mine to the gym! lol  SO true!!  I sleep so much better than him (at least now that the prednisone is getting lower) and he gets way more exercise than me! lol

I finished this book last night and have started on book #2. So similar to THE HUNGER GAMES but still good! I got a little reading done on the 2nd one today but not much! I made pancakes for our breakfast and then we watched 
and a couple of pod-casts. All was so nice! Then Tony took off to choir practice and I waited for Jess and Diane and Mom to pick me up. We got to the church and I wore my mask! I had so many express to me that they were happy to see me back! It was nice to 
After church, we stopped at Lynn's and picked up the vegetables. They needed me to bake them because they put the meatloaf in her oven.

I got them in immediately and they sure smelled good! When they were cooked, we went over to pick up Joyce and she said Lynn asked if we could eat at her house and she had the table set already. 
said anything to us about it but OK!  lol

They came over about 15 minutes after we got to Joyce's house and we dug in! Meatloaf, roasted vegetables and apple pie!
Joyce made homemade bread that was really good too!

It was a fun time. After dinner, we played GOLF again. We got in 13 rounds (I WON!) and then Tammy and the kids showed up.

It was around 7 and we all visited till 10PM.

We were all getting tired and little Tony was upset because he was hungry. His mom told him he should have eaten before they came over. KIDS! lol Anyway, we thanked Joyce for her hospitality and said our good byes and we all went home! We have a busy day tomorrow with a few various things going on so off to bed we go! It was so nice to be able to go back to church! YAY!~


Curtis and Deedra said...

I'm so glad you are getting visits from Tamara. She's gotta fill in for me now that I'm gone, lol.

Laverne said...

YEP!! It was a good visit!