Monday, February 20, 2023


Tony went to the gym 1st thing this morning so I typed my Mom a letter while waiting for him to return home. I also read the 2nd book in the series I'm reading and got myself ready to go. When he got home, he ate a quickie breakfast and we left to go do the shopping for the Salvation Army luncheon tomorrow. 
MAN, prices are getting so high!!  I bought 7 packages of buns which were $1.21 a piece. Last time I fed them they were .98 cents each. I bought 3 packages of baby carrots @ $1.28 a bag and 7 cans of Sloppy Joe Mix @ .98 cents a can. I even bought the WINCO  brand! Then we headed to Costco for the hamburger meat and Chips. I wished the chips had been on sale but they weren't so they were $19.99 for a box of 54 mini bags of mixed chips. The hamburger meat was $ 34.68!  So our total bill to feed the Salvation Army tomorrow was $ 78.27!!  I know it was less last time we did it!
After we bought it, we went to Lynn's to say good bye to Jess and then on to Sister Law's home to drop off the food.. I thanked her profusely for doing it and then we came home. Tony started working on a new puzzle and I got out a new die and some paper!
Another good way to get rid of scrap paper!  

I had a bunch of paint card samples and got these ones done! I have decided to start saving them when I go to Home Depot or Lowes because they cut out SO WELL! 
Now, to put them to use on a card! But, not today! It's 6:30 and I am tired. Tony decided to quit too but he got a good start on his puzzle!
It's 1500 hundred pieces and it's a DISNEY puzzle!!  I love it!! 

It will be way cool when it's done but for now, we are both gonna kick back and relax till bedtime! It's been a great day!

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