Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Got up this morning and headed straight outside....after a "Ginger Shot"!  lol  It's windy and cool AGAIN today!! BUT, I  had to get two lawns mowed before taking my friend, Robin to her doctor consultation at 2 this afternoon. SO, I got busy!

Started with our yard. I discovered the mower is still on super short but I left it because I  had started and thought it would look stupid if I higher it after some was already short. lol 

Tony will have to get the right setting for the next cutting. Anyways, got ours done plus I had a Russet potato that had sprouts on it so I cut it in half and planted two more mounds of spuds! lol 

Then I headed over to Aunt Joyce's yard. She said "Why don't you wait till tomorrow, it's gonna be warmer!" I told her that we go  to the temple tomorrow and it's trash day for us so I needed to do it today!  She agreed! lol  Got them both done and came in to rest a bit and clean up before going to pick up Robin!

I took Robin to her consultation in Meridian today. She is going to have a surgery on the 29th and I will have to bring her to it as well. After the consultation, I took her to lunch at Smokey Mountain Pizza. Dang horrible picture.  I hate it when they don't close the shades. BOO!  Oh well. After we ate, I took her home and now, I'm heading to Scott's so we can go to Claire's "Baby Shower"  More pictures later!!
And here they are!! The two who are making me a
Claire and Thomas.
We played some fun games. I especially liked the
"Dirty Diaper game!"  lol 
 This mother and daughter know their candy bars as they WON!  l

They seriously got a TON of gifts!!  I only took pictures of a few. This gift was from Chris & Heather.

The only one of it's kind and they were both excited about it!!

Hawkins and his girlfriend Scotlyn (NOT HIS SISTER LOL) got them this little BSU colors of course!  lol  Or is it Idaho State University where they are going to school. lol

They liked my gift too. (Well, honestly, they liked them all) 

Everyone seemed pretty impressed with the Afghan I crocheted. YAY!

Hawkins and Scotlyn  Home for the summer from college!

Taylor and her baby Braea. She is Scott's best friends daughter. (Mac Wrigley) 1st time I ever met her and she is so sweet. So was her litte baby girl.  I was so happy to be sitting by her because I didn't know a lot of the people there. Except for the ones I was related to. lol  AND, she was so easy to talk to and so friendly!

I wanted a picture of me and the kids. Thomas was gone at the time of the picture.

So I was able to get one of the three of us when he came back. I really like him. So happy Claire found a good one! He's a keeper. She is due June 19th but she is told the baby is in the 75% tile so she may be induced before then. We'll see. 

It was a good busy fun day!  Tony called when I got home, we read scriptures together and was then going to sit in Stillman's hot tub. I'm tired and heading to bed. Temple tomorrow with the ladies.

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