Wednesday, September 25, 2024


I slept really great again last night!!  I scored two 90's in a row. Considered EXCELLENT on the Fitbit watch!  GO ME!! lol  I was asked to go visit a sister in the rest home with Jenni at 10 am. SO, Tony headed out to the Rec Center alone. He told me to have Jenni drop me off at the gym when we finished but I did not want her to have to drive clear over there when it was out of her way. SO, we visited a lady in the ORCHARDS and after our visit, we drove to the DI and bought her a pair of pajama's. She also wants a Bible and I had my old one but Jenni wants to find one for her with tabs. So when I got home, I read my book till Tony got home and then I fixed us some breakfast. After, I came up stairs to read while he worked on his puzzle and he had the TV on and I want to get this book finished so I stayed upstairs and read. At 3:30, I went down to make us a BLT for lunch/dinner.  As I was starting, the doorbell rang and it was Lubov. (My Russian friend)

She gave me these for my Birthday as well as a loaf of dark Russian bread. I invited her to have a sandwich with us and she did. She wanted hers on the Russian bread. We ate and visited a bit and afterwards, she left to go home. Tony had a meeting with our financial advisor and his mom so after he left....

I sat down to read some more. I am almost done and it is
About 5:45, Tony and Kevin came back to our house for me to sign some papers. I did and then I had to go to the church to teach the Young Women to make cards. 

Only three girls came and two instructors. It was easy peasy!

I think the three of them enjoyed it and the instructors did as well!

I had them make a Pinwheel card and a scrap paper card. It was fun and I was home by 8:30, after dropping off one of the girls who lives on my street. Time to get ready for bed as we have to leave for the temple at 8am.  EARLIER than usual!

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