Tuesday, September 24, 2024


I slept so much better last night! FINALLY!! 
I got up and dressed for the luncheon and then read my book till it was time to go. I picked up Joyce, then Lynn and then Luva Francis.

It was decorated beautifully in a FALL decor.

4th Ward was the 1st ones there. We must have all been hungry! lol

We had a Police Detective talk to us about Fraud, Scams and Identity Theft. It was so informative and she gave us a lot of really good information. I had recently heard of a scam where you get a package in the mail and they send a card with a  CR code on it that you are to scan with your phone. Then they get all the information that is on your phone. She said her daughter just got this one. She showed us the package and then showed us a beautiful ring that was in the package. She was told to scan the CR code  on a card that was included in the package. They said you were doing it to register the ring. Smart scam but so glad we heard about it now so we can avoid getting taken advantage of.

They served a vegetable stew and rolls and pie. They even had Gluten Free stew and desserts. It was a good turnout!! After dropping off the ladies at their homes, I came home and got ready to go with Tony to get his stitches removed.
She told us that the results came back and it was indeed Squamous Cell Carcinoma. BUT, they got it all so hopefully now his cut will heal up with out much notice of it. We came home and watched the 2nd DUNE movie. We had watched the 1st one last night. I guess there is a 3rd and final one in the works and a good thing because it ended with a cliff hanger. lol

We are now watching AMERICA'S GOT TALENT and I am working on another afghan. It's been a good day. I was planning on going to the gym tomorrow but found out I have to go on visits with Jenni at 10am.  I may have to take a walk tomorrow.
Beautiful weather we're having so that works! lol

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