Monday, September 30, 2024


Saturday morning, we were back serving our shift and Lubov is coming with us again. We were officiators for the 10 am session so we didn't get released till 11:30. We thought she would be waiting in the main waiting room for us but she was not. I finally went to see if she was able to get into Initiatory and she was allowed to even though she didn't have an appointment. So we waited for her instead of her waiting for us. lol 

She LOVE'S to get her picture taken after each time she serves. She a poser! It's always so funny to watch her 
We got home and changed our clothes, ate some leftover lunch and then Tony took me to "Cold Stone Creamery". He wanted ice-cream. I got my Strawberry Mango Smoothie! Mmmmm When we got home, Tony helped me get down all my Fall/Halloween tubs. I went through them, took out what I wanted and boxed what I didn't want anymore. I sent  pictures to Traci to see if she wanted a "MICKEY MOUSE " Halloween  statue. She did, as well as a couple of other items I had. Then when Michelle, Stillman and Jaden came to pick Tony up for the BSU game, I asked Mischelle if she wanted the box of Halloween items. She did and took the box. YAY!! 

Tony took off with the kids to watch the game and WOW, 
what a game!!
I would check into my phone now and again and check the score and they were doing great! I watched SING 2 and made cards and then I went to bed and read my book. I didn't wait up because I'd been up since 4:30. I knew they won so I slept GREAT! 

Saturday was a busy day for two of our grandkids. Scotlyn and her friend Porter went to Prom. 

And Andrew and his friend (I don't know her name) also went to prom. I can't believe these kids are old enough to date. 
Man, do I feel old!! Sunday morning, we went to church. It was 5th Sunday. I am so excited!! They told us that we are getting a 
"LIGHT THE WORLD"  machine this November and December. We will have to man it. Well, all the Stakes around here will take turns. It is quite an honor to get it. They mostly put them in BIG Cities, like New York, Chicago etc. Can't wait to see how it goes! After church, we went to Joyce's for dinner. Then we came to our house because they watch to watch a program. We turned on COME FOLLOW UP and soon after it started........

Lynn fell asleep......

Joyce fell asleep and Tony was behind us snoring like crazy!! lol
Lynn woke up and one point and wanted to play cards but Tony wasn't interested (too tired because from his late Saturday night) and Joyce wasn't interested and either was I. She gave up and settled back into her chair. I had to leave at 3:30 for a Stake Relief Society training meeting so the sisters were gone when I got home. We found out that Anna had an accident on her bike competition on Saturday in McCall and had a concussion. We went over to see her when I got home from my meeting.  She seemed good. She had some scrapes and bruises but was in good spirits. 

Tammy gave me this picture of little Tony. He spent his birthday money that we gave him for this "SUPER HUGE FRITTER" and 2 slices of pizza!!  I was amazed!!  That boy can eat!!
We came home and Traci came over and picked up her Halloween decor. It was fun to see her. I don't get to see her much!
We got up this morning (Monday) and I went to the hospital to get my labs done for my kidney appointment next week.  Then we went to the gym. Did our workout and then came home to yardwork!
Had to take a picture of my front porch with my witches and pumpkins! LOL  
Happy Halloween!!

I got the front and back lawn's mowed and then I took some pictures of my flowers. It won't be long and they will be gone.

Still pretty for now!

This one even had a few flowers left. Not for long!!

Even my Mara plant is about to give it up 

Kinda makes me a little sad, but I know they'll be back next year!!
I finished my work and came in and was resting a bit and then the doorbell rang. It was Lubov. She needed me to take her to Costo so she could get her glasses fixed. I did. I thought we would be there for a few minutes BUT, she decided to look for new glasses as well. So after she picked out a new pair of frames, they told her that her perscription was expired so she had to get an eye exam. I walked around for a while, called Tony and asked him if he needed anything at Costco.....he told me to pick up his prescription. I did. I ate some samples and waited and waited. Finally, she was done and getting the order made. Then she had to come back to my house and call her Eye Insurance to get them some paperwork so she can get reimbursed. She asked me to do the talking but the lady wouldn't talk to me so they got a gal on the line who could talk Russian. It took a while but finally around 5 or so, she left. Tony and I ate dinner. I just made a pizza (from a box. lol) and then showered and got ready to watch the voice. While we were watching it, Chabuka Bishop came over and gave me a birthday card and a bag of candy! How sweet was that!! She is in our ward and from Venezuela. Her English is getting better all the time and I'm not sure why she chose to give me a birthday present but it was so sweet (literally lol) and I felt loved.

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