Sunday, September 22, 2024


Curtis and Deedra came to town on Thursday night. They didn't get in till late so we didn't bother trying to see them that day. lol Then Friday, we went to the gym in the morning. When we got home and I made a zucchini /cheddar soup with  a couple of zucchini that I got from Joyce. I called Lynn to see if she wanted me to bring it over to share for lunch but she said the kids were at friends home playing and Deedra was shopping with Garrett and Curtis was doing work from his computer up in her office. SO, Tony and I ate and I did some laundry and baked a cake for Sunday.

Oh, and we ate the soup for lunch and I put the remainder in the fridge. Guess it'll be dinner on Monday. lol

Before going to bed (we had to be up at 4am Saturday for our shift at the temple) I made a new chocolate chip cookie. It's called Brown sugar chocolate chip cookies. I figured the kids would eat them on Sunday if they didn't like Coconut Cream Cake. Got them done and went to bed at 7am. 
Didn't sleep well but was up at 4am, none the less. We served as Veil Coordinators and it was a "SUPER BUSY DAY"..... It went well and the time went so fast. I love to serve at that position and see people I know come to the temple. It's so awesome! After our shift, we went home and rested for about 45 minutes. Then we went to Lynn's and visited with the family. Stillman was there as well. It was around 3 and I was starving. Afterall, we'd been up since 4am and all we'd had was a bowl of cereal. We decided to go to lunch at Chick Fil A. 

We left the kids home and Curtis bought them Chicken nuggets to bering home. After eating, we got ready to go to the Temple. Stillman and Chris Floyd went to the BSU Game but the rest of us went to see Livi take out her endowment in preparation for her Mission to Denver Colorado. It was lovely! Her Gramma Pam was there, Me and Tony and her Great Gramma, Lynn. Her Brother and sister and their spouses and of course her parents. 

The session was at 6PM so it was dusk when we came out.  Nate was going to take pictures in front of the pond and I talked him into going to the back of the pond. It's so much better when you can get a view like that and ALL the temple instead of a wall. lol

Grace, Blakes wife took this selfie. Curtis had taken his and Deedra's bag to the car so we didn't get him in this shot. We almost didn't get Deedra! lol

This is so beautiful!!

The pond behind the temple fence. What a gorgeous sunset.

Alivia, the lady of the day!!

I took this one because I wanted the leaves from the trees in the shot. I LOVE IT!!

Then there was a lady who said she would take out picture.  To be honest, I like mine better. lol  BUT, it was so sweet of her to take  it so we could all be in it.  They all went to a Hawaiian place to eat in Meridian but I told Tony, we'd just eaten and didn't think we needed to go. I didn't realize that Curtis & Deedra and Mom were going or I may have done it.  As it was, we went back to Lynn's and got started watching the BSU game which turned out so good. When the others came home, Deedra and Mom worked on a puzzle Deedra had bought that day. When BSU had a great lead and we knew we were gonna win, Tony went to help on the puzzle. lol It was around 10:30 or 11 when we finally went home. I thought I was going to sleep like a log, but again, I didn't have a very good night. BUT, it was a great day and a lot of fun as well as a spiritual boost!

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