Sunday, September 22, 2024


Today was the Primary program and it is one of my favorite meetings of the year. INEVITABLY, I just melt when those little kids sing and say their parts. It was SO GOOD! Jan Poulsen is the new Primary President and has only been in since April. She did a GREAT JOB writing it and we have such a small Primary that I would have been in a panic had I been in her shoes. BUT, the Lord really blessed them all and they brought the Spirit to the meeting like only children can do. I was so impressed. Our Relief Society was taught by a new sister in the ward and she did great as well. It was just a fantastic Sabbath Day! I had picked up Peggy for church, so after the meeting was over, I took her home and then I hurried home and got the rise in my rise cooker and got it going. The Teriyaki Pineapple Chicken was in the crockpot and heated through. So, once the rice was done, I loaded up the car and headed to Lynn's. Deedra had asked if I had Crisco so she could make biscuits. I did, so brought it over.

They had finished the BSU puzzle that Deedra had bought before I got there. It's a different one but fun! She helped but is not in the picture. BOO!~

Garrett had bought himself a Fedora hat and he looks so good in it! He likes Michael Jackson (just like Maddox)

The little girls were being silly on Gramma's couch.

We got a game of GOLF going until the biscuits were done and Tony got back from his meeting just in time. We ate and had a good dinner.

Then to my surprise, they sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me and Garrett and we shared blowing out that
I'm not sure Garrett helped me but it was fun to share a birthday party with him!
 Curtis and Deedra needed to get on the road for home.

So, in the famous tradition, we took pictures on the front porch. 

Charlotte took one so I could be in it. Bless her heart! After the Butterfields left, we played more GOLF with Stillman till 3 o'clock. Then he had to return his rental car to the airport and catch his plane home. We left as well because Tony had a Priesthood meeting at our house at 4. I got my computer and typed a letter to my mom. After his meeting, we went to pick up Lynn and we went to Chris & Tammy's for little Tony's 10th birthday party.

 He wanted pie's for his BIG DAY!  
Everyone enjoyed it. I even had a small slice of Pumpkin.

We gave him $10 dollars. 

Lynn gave him $10. He said he wanted it put safely away so it wouldn't be stollen. Hmmm, I wonder who he doesn't trust!  lol

He opened his gifts and he was a happy camper. Anna had made him a video presentation of his birthdays since he was six. It was cute.

He had a cute little friend over named Henry. He was so sweet. He gave Tony a dinosaur and a a couple of candy bars. One was called a TONY BAR. It was pretty cool!  All in all, it was a fun day. I am tired and ready to go to bed. 

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