Tuesday, October 8, 2024


I was having back problems last week and I told Tony that I thought I had to much weight on the back lift machine I was doing. BUT come, Thursday night, I had chills and my body ached so bad. When I had to get up to use the restroom, I could hardly walk.  I was hurting all day Friday and by that evening, I decided that my body was passing another kidney stone. The pain in my back had resonated in the right kidney and I spent the night on the couch with the heating pad. With two very bad nights for sleep, I was afraid I would not have a easy time staying awake during Generg=al Conference, BUT it was so good, I had no trouble at all.

ALL, the talks were spectacular! President watched the 1st session on Saturday from his home and was in the 2nd session. Same on Sunday. Home for the 1st and present for the last. Every speaker had messages that were pertinent to us. Individually and as a whole. 

Seventeen NEW TEMPLE'S were announced in President Nelsons talk. HOW EXCITING IS THAT!! The Lords work continues to go forth!!

Some exciting messages presented! This is just one! It was a fabulous 2 days with inspired instruction for us. After Conference on Saturday night, I wanted to go to Lynn's with Tony so I could watch the BSU game but I was nauseated and hurting so I stayed home and tried to go to bed. Saturday, I got up and watched conference and tried to flush it out by drinking a ton. It must have been a small stone, as it didn't hurt so bad that I needed to go to the hospital. SO, I rode it out!! Tony gave me a Priesthood blessing and  sometime on Sunday, it passed. WHAT A RELIEF!! They sure aren't any fun!! I was able to go to Lynn's for dinner after the last session. Still not much of an appetite but at least I was feeling better. Monday morning, Tony got up and went to the gym but he told me to stay home and catch up on my sleep. I was so thrilled to do so. Scott came over to visit me and stayed about an hour. After he left, I took a nice hot shower and boy did it feel good.  I had to take Robin to the dentist at 2 on Monday. I dropped her off because she was going to be put under so the dentist could do the work. They were to call me when she came out of it.  I was just leaving the dentist when I got a call from Lubov asking if I could take her to COSTCO to pick up her glasses that had just come in. I drove straight to her house and took her over. Came home and mowed the lawn and then around 4:45, got a call from the dentist saying Robin was ready to be picked up. So I got her home and settled and then came home and got ready to go to Scotlyn's concert.

After the concert (and it was GOOD!) I got pictures of her and Porter. He came to listen to her as well.

Tony and I wanted a picture. 

And we got one of Jill and her pretty little daughter. We saw Brigit and Jeremy and Donna there as well. it was a nice evening. We came home, got ready for bed and then got up bright and early this morning . Went to the gym and walked. I am feeling 100% again and am so grateful for that. This afternoon, I had an appointment with Dr. Keller (my kidney doctor)  I told him about the kidney stone so he is having me do a "Pee Collection" to see why my body is making the stones. It's my 4th and I seriously 
He said my labs were looking really good and he is planning on me having the infusion 2 more time and then will take me off of it and see what happens. He said my disease is known for coming back but he also said we will watch it closely and if I start getting a rash, or my lungs get bad again, we'll jump right back in. He's hoping that will NOT happen!! I sure like him! Great doctor!! We came home and ate dinner and then we both had meetings tonight. Time now to relax and get ready for bed.

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