Thursday, October 3, 2024


Fall (and Spring) are my absolute favorite seasons!!

It has been absolutely gorgeous today!!  We went to the gym 1st thing. We were going to take Joyce & Lona but they said they were waiting for Heidi and would go later. SO, we picked up Lynn and off we went. I walked with Neva and then Rena. I actually walked 3 miles today because I wanted to visit. lol I didn't ride the elliptical for too long before Tony was done with his 4 miles. Tony took me home and then he went back to Lynn's to see why her computer wouldn't turn on. It turned on right away. lol (Maybe she just wanted Tony to come over) lol He wasn't there long and called me and said he was going to COSTCO  for gas. I said I wanted to go because I wanted to pick up Costco Chicken soup for Sunday. He picked me up and $300 dollars later, we came home. lol They have new puzzles and Tony got four of them. I got the Oriental salad kit (they are so good with fried chicken) then we bought some food items that were on sale. I got some Halloween candy for the Trick or Treaters and ZIP FIZZ cuz it was on sale and the gal who demo's it ALWAYS gives us a bottle each. SO, we buy from her everytime she is working. (if it's on sale that is) We came home and put things away and then we had a yogurt for breakfast. It was after noon. lol

Tony went out to cut the frames for the two puzzles. 

A Halloween one for me and the one for Charlotte that she put together while she was recouping from the dog attack. Deedra modge podged it in Kennewick and brought it with her last time they came. It will be framed and ready to be picked up next time they come.

I had thought about digging up the potatoes but decided to wait till tomorrow. I needed to mop my kitchen floor and vacuum for my company tomorrow. The sister missionaries and Robin are coming for dinner.  I love my Marigold edging.

There are still a few squash in there. I thought I had them all but I see at least two more hiding amongst the potato vines.

Some of the potatoes are growing on top of the ground. I don't know if that means I didn't plant the seed potatoes deep enough or if I have a ton of spuds and they didn't have anywhere to go but UP!  lol Guess I'll find out tomorrow! I came in and mopped my kitchen floor as well as the bathrooms. I vacuumed the house and then decided to make us some lunch. It was nearly 4PM and we don't like to eat too late. Makes it hard to sleep. (at least for Tony) NOT ME!  lol 

I fried up some rotesorie chicken and put it on the oriental salad we bought today!~ I LOVE THIS SALAD!!
Tony came in and ate and we watched an episode of 
EVERY BODY LOVES RAYMOND. Then he went back out to finish cutting the frames and sanding the wood.  I was planning on making a quiche and cream puffs for tomorrow and have the Chicken soup on Sunday between sessions of conference. We were waiting to hear from Joyce to know if they were coming (along with Lona and Peter) or if they were going out to Heidi's. Then Lynn called and said she was making Salmon and potatoes for Sunday and would I bring a salad or something. I said I was waiting to hear from Joyce and she said, "She's here. She doesn't know what she is doing yet but I'll be cooking one way or the other.", I decided to have the soup tomorrow with my dinner guests. I'll make rolls in the morning and the cream puffs. 

I went up to my craft room after cleaning up the kitchen and finished putting together the quilt cards I made.  I typed a letter to my Mom and then cleaned up the craft room. When Tony finished and came in, we showered and got ready for bed. We are just relaxing now. 
It's been a great day! 

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